Thinking Out Loud: Understanding Police Use of Force
The conversation about the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and use of force is always a robust, yet passionate discussion. Additionally, the use of firearms and shootings by the NYPD and by those in our communities across NYC are thrust into the spotlight.
In 2019, there were approximately 215,000 arrests made by the NYPD. The statistics on the use of force are documented by NYC law.
The data indicates incidents of force used is approximately 8,500 of those arrest incidents. Firearm discharges by members of the NYPD were 52.
Further data indicates the incidents of all crimes including murder, rape, robbery, felony assaults and other crimes including misdemeanors.
The data includes a further breakdown by race and ethnicity for each crime by suspect and victim.
Shootings are specifically outlined by the same race and ethnicity of the suspect and victim.
In 2019 the NYPD arrested 4,722 people for illegal guns. 3,299 guns recovered.
1,979 (60%) guns were recovered by plainclothes Anti-Crime units across NYC.
25% of these guns were recovered from gang members who commit over 50% of the shootings and homicides in New York City.
You can find all of this data, available publicly, here.